3981 Phillips Ave, Burnaby, BC

Used Gravity Conveyor

  • NestaFlex 376FL
  • 4 Units in total
  • 24" wide x 84' long x 31" high
  • Capacity is 376 lb/ft
  • Zinc Steel skate wheels
  • 9 skate wheels per row
  • 2 Casters per axel and all function

Original price was: $6,000.00.Current price is: $5,000.00.

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Used NestaFlex 376FL gravity conveyors for sale. 4 units available, each measuring 24″ wide x 84′ long x 31″ high with a 376 lb/ft capacity. Equipped with zinc steel skate wheels (9 per row) and 2 casters per axle for smooth operation.

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